The Psychedelic Road to Other Conscious States

How do a few pounds of gray goo in our skulls create our conscious experience—the blue of the sky, the tweet of the birds? Few questions are so profound and important—or so hard. We are still very far from an answer. But we are learning more about what scientists call...

Can Psychedelic Drugs Be Medically Useful?

It is exhilarating to witness a resurgence in the study of psychedelics, something President Nixon and his disastrous drug war halted (“The New Science of Psychedelics,” Review, May 5). But of equal, if not more important, value would be a study of those among us who...

Psychedelics as Therapy

n the nineteen-fifties and sixties, researchers explored the therapeutic effects of LSD on alcoholism, depression, and a number of other conditions. Then the counterculture came along, LSD became a recreational drug, and the research dried up. In this week’s...