If Everyone Tripped on Psychedelics, We’d Do More About Climate Change

Scientists are looking into what psychedelics do to inspire people to act pro-environmentally.

fter taking LSD, Bill stood in his kitchen in Merseyside, England, staring at a large tree. When the tree started to speak to him, Bill only found it strange that the tree didn’t formally introduce itself, he told VICE in 2017.

During the rest of their 15 minute chat, the tree clued Bill in to the profound fact that all life on earth—plant, animal, and human—was intimately connected. “It was as if someone was inside my head judging my feelings, my thoughts, and my emotions,” Bill said. “It was also a two-way street, though: I could feel how old he was—he’s obviously been through a lot with the way the earth is and how the town I live in was built up around him.”

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Entheogen-assisted Healing

Taking entheogens can be like air travel: people do it all the time, it’s usually fine, but when it’s not fine, it’s sometimes very bad. We’ve been there. And that’s where an experienced GUIDE can make the difference in the outcome.
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