Agony &

As human beings, we are hardwired to experience Ecstasy, Epiphany, Laughter and Bliss. Little children twirling in the summer sun to experience the altered state of becoming falling-down-dizzy are not very far removed from whirling dervishes seeking spiritual...

Meditation and Psychedelics

By Vanja Palmers Both meditation and psychedelics are close to my heart. I’m grateful to both of them for having shown me that true essence of the heart, which is the heart of everyone and everything, our ultimate belonging and source of meaning. For starters,...

Can a Single Pill Change Your Life?

MDMA, the active ingredient in the drug Ecstasy, has been reviled as a menace and even a killer. Now some therapists claim it can help light the way out of a traumatic past. Sarah lived in a basement for a few weeks when she was a child. But in a way, she lived there...