The story of John Mack, the Harvard psychiatrist who wanted to believe—and ended up introducing the entire culture to the possibility of transpersonal experiences. “At their core Carlos’s encounters have brought about a profound spiritual opening, bringing him in...
A safe and sensitive way to speak with your children about psychedelics, explained. We are living through rapidly shifting times. As parents in the psychedelic community, we are not only navigating our own medicine work, but realizing a responsibility to help our...
Defining transpersonal psychology, exploring its history, and examining how it relates to psychedelic experiences. Transpersonal psychology, the branch of psychology that concerns itself with the study of spiritual experience and expanded states of consciousness, has...
A first of its kind “self-blinded” trial testing the effect of psychedelic microdosing has found the anecdotally popular practice may be an example of a strong placebo effect. The research, led by Imperial College London, suggests there is little...
A first-of-its-kind clinical trial has pitted a common antidepressant against psilocybin, the main psychedelic compound found in magic mushrooms. The results, recently published in the New England Journal of Medicine, are decidedly mixed with the primary depression...
Psychedelics Renaissance As psychedelic research re-emerges from its dark ages, the world is beginning to learn about their healing potential for various psychological disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and near-death anxiety due to terminal...