A first-of-its-kind clinical trial has pitted a common antidepressant against psilocybin, the main psychedelic compound found in magic mushrooms. The results, recently published in the New England Journal of Medicine, are decidedly mixed with the primary depression...
As psychedelic states become more mainstream, there are more examples of the healing principles being used to sidestep actual emotional maturation. This can happen with any practice when the ritual is given more importance than the work the ritual represents. Using...
DMT (N,N-Dimethyltryptamine) is a classic psychedelic molecule that has been ingested as part of shamanic traditions for hundreds of years. DMT occurs naturally in dozens of plant species, although not usually in amounts large enough that ingesting or smoking the...
At a virtual investment conference last week called Psychedelic Capital, the moderator of a session on ethical intellectual property opened the panel by asking, “To patent or not patent? That is the question.” That certainly is the question that’s been hotly debated...
And if so, does it matter? In a new book, philosopher Chris Letheby confronts the nature and implications of the mystical experiences people often have while taking psychedelics. There’s an “elephant in the room” of psychedelic science, according to an opinion...
My earliest exposure to psychedelics came from growing up near the Haight Ashbury in San Francisco, well past the glory days of the Summer of Love. The Haight Street of my youth was a tourist destination for hippiesque consumerism, not a countercultural hub, though I...