Altered states of consciousness can be broken up into two distinct types: exogenous or endogenous experiences, meaning they come from the outside or the inside respectively. Typically, we consider psychedelic states to be those that originate from either plant...
“A safe private space” is defined as an environment in which one feels trusting enough to let down their normal defenses, become vulnerable, and allow inner change. Feeling safe, comfortable, and relaxed during an altered state is an integral part of the healing...
As psychedelic states become more mainstream, there are more examples of the healing principles being used to sidestep actual emotional maturation. This can happen with any practice when the ritual is given more importance than the work the ritual represents. Using...
The people who choose to consume psychedelic substances and the reasons they do so are as varied as the effects they produce, which are unique for every individual and rarely the same twice. The people who take psychedelics fit all demographics of age, gender, race,...
Ayahuasca, known by various names by different indigenous groups in South America, is a generic term commonly associated with preparations of the mildly psychoactive vine Banisteriopsis caapi. Ayahuasca literally translates from the Quechua language of the North Andes...
DMT (N,N-Dimethyltryptamine) is a classic psychedelic molecule that has been ingested as part of shamanic traditions for hundreds of years. DMT occurs naturally in dozens of plant species, although not usually in amounts large enough that ingesting or smoking the...