OCD, short for obsessive compulsive disorder, is a psychological disorder that cloaks its subjects in cyclical patterns of unwelcome thoughts and all-consuming fears. This intrusive background chatter falcons over its prey, ineluctably leading them to engage in...
Before you start a psychedelic venture or adventure, keep in mind that there are many psychedelic gimmicks that have long preceded the current “shroom boom.” As Alan Watts is purported to have said, “Anybody who tells you that he has some way of leading you to...
As psychedelic states become more mainstream, there are more examples of the healing principles being used to sidestep actual emotional maturation. This can happen with any practice when the ritual is given more importance than the work the ritual represents. Using...
The most common questions that we get here at Altered States Integration are about the practical use of psychedelics. Many people are already excited about the potential therapeutic benefits and understand enough about entheogens to want to conduct their own DIY...
When you hear the term “psychedelics,” you might think of hallucinogenic and mystical experiences. Popular psychedelics include LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide), magic mushrooms (containing the psychedelic psilocybin), and DMT (N,N-dimethyltryptamine, part of the...