by EmpathiCSubstanceS | Nov 24, 2019 | Addiction
The heavy hallucinogen ibogaine is illegal in the US, but some addicts are flocking to Mexican clinics for it, hoping to be cured. A physician investigates. ILLUSTRATION: YUKAI DU I’m not sure I’ve ever met an opioid user who didn’t want to quit, and as an emergency...
by EmpathiCSubstanceS | Jul 2, 2019 | Addiction, Depression, OCD
A compelling new study has revealed how a mammalian brain can produce an incredibly powerful hallucinogen called DMT. The research shows the psychedelic is endogenously produced in a number of brain regions, including the visual cortex, and spikes in concentrations...
by EmpathiCSubstanceS | Dec 26, 2018 | Addiction
Psychedelic drugs like LSD and ecstasy ingredient MDMA have been shown to stimulate the growth of new branches and connections between brain cells which could help address conditions like depression and addiction. Researchers in California have demonstrated these...
by EmpathiCSubstanceS | Nov 1, 2018 | Addiction
Reaching a higher state of consciousness is a concept you’re more likely to hear a spiritualist spout than a scientist, but now neuroscientists at the University of Sussex claim to have found the first evidence of just such a state. From wakefulness down to a...
by EmpathiCSubstanceS | Sep 1, 2018 | Addiction, Alcoholism
Everyone’s hoping a little LSD can lead them to the next billion-dollar idea. Over the past year, at lunches with various Silicon Valley entrepreneurs, I have been told at least four times that magic mushrooms will help me become a better reporter (maybe) and three...
by EmpathiCSubstanceS | Jul 20, 2018 | Addiction
A huge amount of research is currently underway investigating the compelling, and novel, effects of ketamine on depression. The entirely unique way the drug interacts with the brain is revealing new and exciting pathways for neuroscientists investigating everything...