Can Psychedelics Provide Relief for Autistic Individuals?
What Is Transpersonal Psychology? Sometimes...
Can Psychedelics Help Heal Moral Injury?
Moral injury refers to the...
What Is Sacred Reciprocity?
Defining sacred reciprocity, exploring the...
How is the psychedelic journey?
Defining transpersonal psychology, exploring its...
Where should we go for our next psychedelic trip
Whether you’re a prospective psychedelic...
What Is Transpersonal Psychology and How Does It Relate to Psychedelics?
Defining transpersonal psychology, exploring its...
Becoming Enlightened By Rick Dolwig
(An interpretive outline by Rick Dolwig of the...
Contrasting THE DIVINE SELF and THE EGO SELF By Rick Dolwig
Love Fear The source of all Joy The source of...
THIS IS HOW I SEE IT . . . . . By Rick Dolwig
This is how the world is – – We are...
Entheogenic Liberation by Rick Dolwig
Unraveling the Enigma of Nonduality with...
LSD Journey
I made a deal with my ego. I reassured it that...
Journeying Ayahuasca Experience
Ayahuasca is a non-addictive, non-toxic plant...
Microdosing LSD Improves Mood and Cognition
The latest research into psilocybin therapy as a...
World-first Centre for Psychedelics Research launched in UK
In an incredible milestone, representing the...
DMT is a powerful psychedelic medicine used...
Psychedelic Medicine Sustainability and Protections for Ancient Traditions
As demand grows, so will the questions around...
The Difference between Legalization and Decriminalization
Legalization refers to changing the status of a...
What’s Psychedelic Integration Therapy?
With the psychedelic renaissance in full swing...
What is the ‘Inner Healing Intelligence?
The concept of psychedelic integration is...
Psychedelic Pre-Session Intention Setting Explained
Preparation and pre-session intention setting...
Entheogen-assisted Healing
Taking entheogens can be like air travel: people do it all the time, it’s usually fine, but when it’s not fine, it’s sometimes very bad. We’ve been there. And that’s where an experienced GUIDE can make the difference in the outcome.
I’m available by phone if you or someone you know wants to ask questions of ANY nature. Use this link to schedule a call HERE.