Set: it refers to the mindset with which you enter the psychedelic journey.
Setting: it refers to the environment where the trip is to take place.
The medicine: it is essential to know that the psychedelic has come from a reliable source.
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  1. Set: it refers to the mindset with which you enter the psychedelic journey. To ensure you have adequate mindset preparation, it is best to view a trip as a three-day experience rather than something that lasts just a few hours.
  2. Setting: it refers to the environment where the trip is to take place. It can be indoors or outdoors.
  3. The medicine: it is essential to know that the psychedelic has come from a reliable source and that you take the proper dose.
  4. Sitter: It is best to arrange a trip sitter, especially for a first experience. A sitter is someone who can help to monitor the external environment and provide reassurance.
  5. Circle: it refers to the various stages of the trip and how long they last. The session will vary depending on the type of psychedelic.

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Entheogen-assisted Healing

Taking entheogens can be like air travel: people do it all the time, it’s usually fine, but when it’s not fine, it’s sometimes very bad. We’ve been there. And that’s where an experienced GUIDE can make the difference in the outcome.
I’m available by phone if you or someone you know wants to ask questions of ANY nature. Use this link to schedule a call HERE.